

After purchase, please wait at least 3-5 minutes to start claiming your Kit! If you encounter any issues please contact us via



Lifetime VIP Includes:
Across All Toxic Rust Servers

  • ALL VIP Discord Roles
  • VIP Elite, Gold, Silver and Bronze Kits!
    See VIP packages for contents of each kit!
  • Includes one time $1,000,000 In-game Deposit. 
  • Currency never wipes! 
  • Lifetime Offline Raid Protection



Most Toxic VIP Includes:

  • ALL VIP Discord Roles
  • VIP Elite, Gold, Silver and Bronze Kits on all Toxic Rust Servers! 
  • $1,000,000 In-game Deposit on every sub renewal. 
  • Free Offline Raid Protection



VIP Benefits:

  • VIP Discord Role. 
  • Includes one time $1,000,000 In-game Deposit. 
  • 30 Second cooldown on beds and Sleeping bags
  • 12 Extra Slots in your Backpack
  • Free Offline Raid Protection
  • 10 TP Homes
  • 30 Second Trade Cooldown
  • Unlock Trade Boom Perk
  • Access to Auto Base Repair and Upgrade
  • Access to Full Skinbox

Can be Claimed  Every hour! (2 hours after wipe)

  • Full Metal Kit
  • Large backpack
  • Parachute
  • Assault Rifle + Holo + Laser + Extended Mag
  • L96 + 16X Scope + Laser
  • 250 5.56 Rifle Ammo
  • 10 Medical Syringes
  • 5 Med Kits
  • 1 Super Serum
  • 10 Toxic Golden Eggs

Additional Kit Claimable Every 12 Hours: 

  • 10,000 GP 
  • 40,000 Wood
  • 30,000 Stone
  • 20,000 Metal Frags
  • 15,000 High Quality Metal
  • 1,000 Low-Grade Fuel
  • 2,000 Scrap
  • 5 HQM Double Doors
  • 5 HQM Single Doors
  • 5 Garage Doors
  • 10 Auto Turrets
  • 5 Shotgun Traps



VIP Benefits:

  • VIP Discord 
  • Includes one time $1,000,000 In-game Deposit. 
  • 30 Second cooldown on beds and Sleeping bags
  • 12 Extra Slots in your Backpack
  • Free Offline Raid Protection
  • 10 TP Homes
  • 30 Second Trade Cooldown
  • Unlock Trade Boom Perk
  • Access to Auto Base Repair and Upgrade
  • Access to Full Skinbox

Can be Claimed Every hour!

  • Full Metal Kit
  • Assault Rifle + Holo + Laser + Extended Mag
  • Bolt Action Rifle + 8x Scope + Laser + Extended Mag
  • 250 5.56 Rifle Ammo
  • 10 Medical Syringes
  • 2 Golden Eggs
  • 5 Med Kits
  • 1 Large Backpack
  • 1 Parachute
  • 750 Low-Grade Fuel

This Kit Can Be Claimed Every 24 Hours.

  • 30,000 Wood
  • 30,000 Stone
  • 20,000 Metal Frags
  • 5,000 High Quality Metal
  • 1,000 Scrap
  • 2 HQM Double Doors
  • 2 HQM Single Doors
  • 3 Garage Doors
  • 5 Auto Turrets
  • 3 Shotgun Traps



VIP Benefits:

    • VIP Discord Role 
    • 45 Second cooldown on beds and Sleeping bags
    • 6 TP homes
    • Free Offline Raid Protection
    • Includes one time $1,000,000 In-game Deposit. 
    • 60 Second cooldown on beds and Sleeping bags 
    • Unlock Trade Boom Perk
    • Access to Auto Base Repair and Upgrade
    • Access to Full Skinbox

    Kit Can Be Claimed Every 1 Hour.

    • Full Metal Kit 
    • AK + Holo + Laser  + Extended Mag 
    • Bolt Action Rifle + Laser + 8X Scope 
    • 250 5.56 Rifle bullets 
    • 10 Medical Syringes 
    • 5  Large Med Kits
    • Large Backpack
    • Jetpack

    Below can be claimed every 24 hours

    • 30,000 Wood
    • 20,000 Metal Frags
    • 10,000 HQM
    • 5,000 Scrap
    • 3 HQM Double Doors
    • 3 HQM Single Doors
    • 3 Auto Turrets 
    • 5 Shotgun Traps 



    VIP Benefits:

      • Elite VIP Discord & In-game Role. 
      • No Minicopter cooldown
      • Includes $50,000 In-game Currency!
      • Free Offline Raid Protection
      • 45 Second cooldown on beds and Sleeping bags
      • 4 TP Homes
      • Unlock Trade Boom Perk
      • Access to Auto Base Repair and Upgrade
      • Access to Full Skinbox

      Combat Kit Can Be Claimed Every 1 Hour.

      • Full Metal Kit 
      • AK + Holo + Laser  + Extended Mag 
      • 736 5.56 Rifle bullets 
      • 2 golden Eggs
      • 10 Medical Syringes 
      • 5  Large Med Kits
      • Large Backpack

      Build Kit Can Be Claimed Every 24 Hours.

      • 30,000 Wood
      • 10,000 Metal Frags
      • 5,000 HQM
      • 2,500 Scrap
      • 2 HQM Double Doors
      • 2 HQM Single Doors
      • 2 Auto Turrets 
      • 3 shotgun Traps 

      Powerless Turrets Sams ++

      Powerless Turrets Sams ++

      Automatically fills turrets. sams, shotgun traps and flam traps with weapons, attachments and ammo, using configurable loadouts and power them on! 

      Click here for commands 

      Powerless Electronics

      Powerless Electronics

      Automatically power your electronics 

      • Includes turrets 
      • Works with circuits, inputs with a wire are ignored

      Personal Recycler

      Personal Recycler

      Personal recycler that can be placed in your base.
      *Ensure you have one slot available in your inventory before purchasing this item. 
      * To pickup your recycler, hit it twice with your hammer. 

      Test Generator

      Test Generator

      *Ensure you have one slot available in your inventory before purchasing this item*

      This purchase includes:

      1 Test Generator 

      $100,000 Shop Points

      $100,000 Shop Points

      $100,000 Points for the in-game shop '/shop'

      $50,000 Shop Points

      $50,000 Shop Points

      $50,000 Points for the in-game shop '/shop'

      $25,000 Shop Points

      $25,000 Shop Points

      $25,000 Points for the in-game shop '/shop'

      $15,000 Shop Points

      $15,000 Shop Points

      $15,000 Points for the in-game shop '/shop'



      Support the server

      Support the server

      Your generous donations play a vital role in sustaining and enhancing our Toxic Rust Server community. By contributing, you help cover server maintenance costs, fund essential updates, and support the development of new features that enhance gameplay for everyone. Every donation, no matter the size, ensures a smoother, more enjoyable experience for all players, allowing us to keep the server running seamlessly and continually improve it. Thank you for your support and for helping us build a thriving and dynamic gaming environment!

      About www.ToxicRust.com

      Toxic Rust strives to provide the ultimate Rust experience! We pride ourselves in unbiased admin activity, being involved in our community, sticking strict to our fair rules, and catching cheaters as quickly as possible.

      :arrow:Raid Alarm
      :arrow:Faster Monument Respawns
      :arrow:Premium Rotating events
      :arrow:Play 2 Win Kits
      :arrow:Juicy Loot Tables
      :arrow:Short Nights
      :arrow:Mini Spawns
      :arrow:Recyclers ay all monuments 
      :arrow:No BP Wipes
      :arrow:Advanced in-game shop 
      :arrow:Free Skinbox
      :arrow:Free Qol For all 

      *All purchases are non-refundable.